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MassMail - Elevate Your Digital Marketing with Powerful Email Campaigns !

MassMail is an essential tool for your digital marketing via email, allowing you to easily manage multiple sender accounts, validate emails and import recipient lists, and reach massive numbers of subscribers with a single click.Designed for marketers at all levels, MassMail ensures that your marketing campaigns are efficient a......

ConnectionMap - 互联地图制作工具!

ConnectionMap - 在 iOS、macOS 和 visionOS 上可视化并精确连接数据地图 ! ConnectionMap 是您在 iOS、macOS 和 visionOS 上创建动态互连地图的必备工具。通过连接线轻松设计地图,生动地展示各种关系和路径,从而增强可视化和理解复杂数据的方式。 下载地址 | 官网 AppStore | 中文 AppStore | EN 官网 预览视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=952gmn2233c 主要功能: 直观的数据输入: 快速、......

KnowledgeGraph - Transform Your Data into Insightful Knowledge Graphs on iOS, macOS, and visionOS

KnowledgeGraph - Transform Your Data into Insightful Knowledge Graphs on iOS, macOS, and visionOS KnowledgeGraph is the ultimate tool for analyzing and creating comprehensive knowledge graphs on iOS, macOS, and visionOS. Effortlessly input your data and generate detailed knowledge graphs that presen......

FunnelMaster - 终极漏斗图!

\[caption id="attachment\_5204" align="alignnone" width="2732"\] FunnelMaster - 在 iOS、macOS 和 visionOS 上使用高级漏斗图增强数据可视化功能[/caption] 下载地址 FunnelMaster | AppStore | 中文 https://apps.apple.com/app/funnelmaster-ultimate-funnel/id6503482220 预览视频 简介 FunnelMaster - 在 iOS、macOS 和 visionOS 上使用高......

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